Please Stop. And Let’s Go.

I've hit my limit. I'm bored with all the robot-authored content on here [“here” being wherever you find it]. While AI is great at amalgamating ridiculous amounts of information, when it "writes," it has no soul. It has no heart. It holds no emotional intention beyond what we ask it to mimic. The result is the now-predictable, anodyne crap you see posted all the time (that we eagerly pat each other on the back for — sorry, but it's true). It's so empty, I can't help disregarding it.

So is this really what we want? Our robots showing off to each other? Is this what we're willing to be reduced to? Not me.

I'm done. So here's a bit of a trigger warning (buckle up). I'm going to be posting my own, deeply personal thoughts about the work I do because that's what feels right. It's going to be raw and vulnerable and true. I'm calling it being Hyper Human. Sorry. I'm not interested in what you think about a robot's regurgitation, but whether you resonate with what I think, believe and feel.

If you do, I want to work with you to make cool shit happen. If you don't, cool. If nothing else, hopefully it inspires you to consider doing the same. Feel free to drop your thoughts here, I'm legitimately curious.

This was written by me, a human.™ Thanks for reading, and stay tuned.


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